utils.testhelpers — Testing utilities

Testing Django migrations


You can not test migrations if you have a MIGRATION_MODULES setting that disabled migrations. So make sure you remove that setting if you have it in your test settings.


Lets say you have the following model:

class Node(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)

You have an initial migration, and you have created a migration named 0002_suffix_name_with_stuff which looks like this:

suffix = ' STUFF'

def add_stuff_to_all_node_names(apps, schema_editor):
    Node = apps.get_model('myapp', 'Node')
    for node in Node.objects.all():
        node.name = '{}{}'.format(node.name, suffix)

def reverse_add_stuff_to_all_node_names(apps, schema_editor):
    Node = apps.get_model('myapp', 'Node')
    for node in Node.objects.all():
        if node.name.endswith(suffix):
            node.name = node.name[:-len(suffix)]

class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    dependencies = [
        ('myapp', '0001_initial'),

    operations = [
        migrations.RunPython(add_stuff_to_all_node_names, reverse_code=reverse_add_stuff_to_all_node_names),


You can not test migrations that can not be reversed, so you MUST write reversible migrations if you want to be able to test them. Think of this as a good thing - it forces you to write reversible migrations.

To test this, you can write a test case like this:

from ievv_opensource.utils.testhelpers import testmigrations

class TestSomeMigrations(testmigrations.MigrationTestCase):
    app_label = 'myapp'
    migrate_from = '0001_initial'
    migrate_to = '0002_suffix_name_with_stuff'

    def test_migrate_works(self):

        # Add some data to the model using the ``apps_before`` model state
        Node = self.apps_before.get_model('myapp', 'Node')
        node1_id = Node.objects.create(
        node2_id = Node.objects.create(

        # Migrate (run the 0002_suffix_name_with_stuff migration)

        # Test using the ``apps_after`` model state.
        Node = self.apps_after.get_model('myapp', 'Node')
        self.assertEqual(Node.objects.get(id=node1_id).name, 'Node1 STUFF')
        self.assertEqual(Node.objects.get(id=node2_id).name, 'Node2 STUFF')

    def test_reverse_migrate_works(self):

        # First, we migrate to get to a state where we can reverse the migration

        # Add some data to the model using the ``apps_after`` model state
        Node = self.apps_after.get_model('myapp', 'Node')
        node1_id = Node.objects.create(
            name='Node1 STUFF'
        node2_id = Node.objects.create(
            name='Node2 STUFF'

        # Reverse the migration

        # Test using the ``apps_before`` model state.
        Node = self.apps_before.get_model('myapp', 'Node')
        self.assertEqual(Node.objects.get(id=node1_id).name, 'Node1')
        self.assertEqual(Node.objects.get(id=node2_id).name, 'Node2')

The MigrationTestCase class

class ievv_opensource.utils.testhelpers.testmigrations.MigrationTestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]

Bases: django.test.testcases.TransactionTestCase

Test case for a Django database migration.


class TestSomeMigrations(MigrationTestCase):
    migrate_from = '0002_previous_migration'
    migrate_to = '0003_migration_being_tested'

    def test_is_selected_is_flipped(self):
        MyModel = self.apps_before.get_model('myapp', 'MyModel')


        MyModel = self.apps_after.get_model('myapp', 'MyModel')
        self.assertEqual(MyModel.objects.filter(is_selected=True).count, 1)
        self.assertEqual(MyModel.objects.filter(is_selected=False).count, 2)

Create an instance of the class that will use the named test method when executed. Raises a ValueError if the instance does not have a method with the specified name.

app_label = None

The django app_label for the app you are migrating. This is the same app_label as you use with python manage.py makemigrations <app_label> to create the migration.

migrate_dependencies = None

Dependencies. A list of (app_label, migration_name) tuples.

migrate_from_dependencies = None

Same as migrate_dependencies, but ONLY for migrate_from.

migrate_to_dependencies = None

Same as migrate_dependencies, but ONLY for migrate_from.

migrate_from = None

The name of the migration to migrate from. Can be the full name, or just the number (I.E.: 0002 or 0002_something.

migrate_to = None

The name of the migration to migrate to. Can be the full name, or just the number (I.E.: 0003 or 0003_something.

classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.


Perform required setup.

If you override setUp(), you must call super().setUp()!


Get an apps object just like the first argument to a Django data migration at the state before migration has been run.

Only available before migrate() has been called, or after reverse_migrate() has been called.


Get an apps object just like the first argument to a Django data migration at the state after migration has been run, and not available after reverse_migrate() has been called (unless migrate() is called again).

Only available after migrate() has been called.


Migrate the database from migrate_from to migrate_to.


Migrate the database from migrate_to to migrate_from.

You must call migrate() before calling this.


Get kwargs for the migrate management command.

The defaults are sane, by you may want to override this and change the verbosity argument for debugging purposes.