Source code for ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch.autoindex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module defines a :class:`.Registry` of objects that takes care of automatically
updating the search index when we detect changes to the data in a
data store. The data store can be anything you like (Django ORM,
MongoDB, ...) - our examples use Django ORM.

This is completely decoupled from the :mod:``
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import itertools

from django.conf import settings
from future.utils import with_metaclass
from pyelasticsearch import bulk_chunks, ElasticHttpNotFoundError

from ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch import search
from ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch.documentquery import DocumentQuery
from ievv_opensource.utils.singleton import Singleton

[docs]class AbstractDocumentMeta(type): """ Metaclass for :class:`.AbstractDocument`. """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): if dct.get('objects', None) is None: dct['objects'] = DocumentQuery() new_class = super(AbstractDocumentMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct) new_class.objects.initialize(documentclass=new_class) return new_class
[docs]class AbstractDocument(with_metaclass(AbstractDocumentMeta, object)): """ Base class for indexable documents for :class:`AbstractIndex`. """ #: The document type to store this as in the index. doc_type = None #: The name of the index this document belongs to. #: This is set by :class:`.AbstractIndex` __init__ using :meth:`.set_index_name_for_all_document_classes`. index_name = None objects = None
[docs] def get_document(self): """ Get document for the ``doc`` argument of :meth:`pyelasticsearch.ElasticSearch.index_op`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_id(self): """ Get the ID to use for the indexed document. Defaults to ``None``, which means that a new document will be added to the index. """ return None
[docs] def get_parent_id(self): """ Get the parent-child mapping parent ID document to use for the indexed document. This should only be overridden if you have a parent specified Defaults to ``None``, which means that no ``parent`` will be sent during indexing operations. """ return None
[docs] def get_index_op_kwargs(self): """ Get kwargs for :meth:`pyelasticsearch.ElasticSearch.index_op`. You should not need to override this. Override :meth:`.get_document`, :meth:`.get_meta` and :obj:`~.AbstractDocument.doc_type`. """ kwargs = { 'doc': self.get_document(), } identifier = self.get_id() if identifier is not None: kwargs['id'] = identifier parent_id = self.get_parent_id() if parent_id is not None: kwargs['parent'] = parent_id return kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def get_mapping_properties(cls): """ Get the mapping properties for custom mappings for this document type. You only need to specify those mappings you do not want elasticsearch to create automatically. If you do not have any mappings, return ``None`` (or do not override). Examples: Simple example:: class MyDocument(autoindex.AbstractDocument): @classmethod def get_mapping_properties(cls): return { 'slug': { 'type': 'string', 'index': 'not_analyzed' }, 'author': { 'username': { 'type': 'string', 'index': 'not_analyzed' } } } """ return None
[docs] @classmethod def get_mapping_parent_type(cls): """ Get the type of the parent document for parent-child mapping. Lets say you have a Movie document, and want to create a parent-child relationship from the Category document with doc_type ``category`` to the Movie. In the Movie document class, you would have to: - Override this method and return ``"category"``. - :meth:`.get_parent_id` and return the ID of the category. """ return None
@classmethod def get_mapping(cls): mappingdict = {} properties = cls.get_mapping_properties() if properties is not None: mappingdict['properties'] = properties parent_type = cls.get_mapping_parent_type() if parent_type is not None: mappingdict['_parent'] = { 'type': parent_type } return mappingdict
[docs]class AbstractDictDocument(AbstractDocument): """ Extends :class:`.AbstractDocument` to make it easy to put dicts in the database. """ def __init__(self, document, id): """ Parameters: document: A dict that pyelasticsearch can convert to JSON. id: The ElasticSearch id of the document. Set to ``None`` to autocreate one. """ self.document = document = id
[docs] def get_document(self): return self.document
[docs] def get_id(self): return
[docs]class AbstractIndex(object): """ Base class for describing a search index. To register an index: 1. Create a subclass of ``AbstractIndex`` and implement :meth:`~.AbstractIndex.iterate_all_documents` and override :obj:`~.AbstractIndex.document_classes`. 2. Register the index with :class:`.Registry`. Examples: Minimal implementation for indexing a Django Product model:: from ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch import searchindex class ProductDocument(searchindex.AbstractDictDocument): doc_type = 'product' class ProductIndex(searchindex.AbstractIndex): name = 'products' document_classes = [ ProductDocument ] def iterate_all_documents(self): for product in Product.objects.iterator(): yield ProductDocument({ 'name':, 'price': product.price }, If you want a more general search index of sellable items, you could do something like this:: from ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch import searchindex class ProductDocument(searchindex.AbstractDictDocument): doc_type = 'product' class ServiceDocument(searchindex.AbstractDictDocument): doc_type = 'service' class SellableItemIndex(searchindex.AbstractIndex): name = 'sellableitems' def iterate_all_documents(self): for product in Product.objects.iterator(): yield ProductDocument({ 'name':, 'price': product.price, 'quantity': product.quantity }, for service in Service.objects.iterator(): yield ServiceDocument({ 'name':, 'price': service.price, }, You could also move the document creation into the index document classes like this:: class ProductDocument(searchindex.AbstractDictDocument): doc_type = 'product' def __init__(self, product): self.product = product def get_id(self): return def get_document(self): return { 'name':, 'price': self.product.price, 'quantity': self.product.quantity } class SellableItemIndex(searchindex.AbstractIndex): # ... same as above def iterate_all_documents(self): for product in Product.objects.iterator(): yield ProductDocument(product) # ... """ #: The name of the index. Must be set in subclasses. name = None #: The number of docs to index per chunk when bulk updating the index. bulk_index_docs_per_chunk = 500 #: The number of bytes to index per chunk when bulk updating the index. bulk_index_bytes_per_chunk = 10000 #: The :class:`.AbstractDocument` classes used in this index. #: Can also be overridden via :meth:`.get_document_classes`. document_classes = [] def __init__(self): self.set_index_name_for_all_document_classes()
[docs] def set_index_name_for_all_document_classes(self): """ Called by __init__ to set the :obj:`.AbstractDocument.index_name` of all documents in :obj:`~.AbstractIndex.document_classes`. """ for document_class in self.document_classes: document_class.index_name =
[docs] def create(self): """ Create the index and put any custom mappings. You should not need to override this, instead you should override :meth:`.get_document_classes` (and :meth:`.AbstractDocument.get_mapping_properties`), and :meth:`.get_settings`. """ searchapi = search.Connection.get_instance() searchapi.elasticsearch.create_index(, settings=self.get_settings()) self.create_mappings()
[docs] def get_settings(self): """ Override this to provide settings for :meth:`pyelasticsearch.ElasticSearch.create_index` (which is called by :meth:`.create`. """ return None
[docs] def get_document_classes(self): """ Returns an iterable of the :class:`.AbstractDocument` classes used in this index. Defaults to :obj:`.document_classes`. """ return self.document_classes
[docs] def get_document_classes_for_mapping(self): """ Get the document classes for mapping. You normally do not have to override this - it only return :meth:`.get_document_classes` reversed. It is reversed because parent-child mappings have to be created in the child before the parent mapping can be created, but you normally want to index parents before children. """ return reversed(self.get_document_classes())
[docs] def create_mappings(self): """ Create mappings. You should not need to override this, but instead you should override :meth:`.get_document_classes` (and :meth:`.AbstractDocument.get_mapping_properties`). """ searchapi = search.Connection.get_instance() for document_class in self.get_document_classes_for_mapping(): mappingdict = document_class.get_mapping() if mappingdict: searchapi.elasticsearch.put_mapping(, document_class.doc_type, { document_class.doc_type: mappingdict })
[docs] def iterate_all_documents(self): """ Iterate over all documents returning documents that are ready to be added to the index. Returns: An iterable of :class:`.AbstractDocument`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def iterate_important_documents(self): """ Just like :meth:`.iterate_all_documents`, but just yield the most important documents in case of a complete search index wipeout/rebuild. This is typically the newest and most important documents in the database. Defaults to returning an empty list. """ return []
def _iterate_index_operations(self, index_documents): searchapi = search.Connection.get_instance() for index_document in index_documents: kwargs = index_document.get_index_op_kwargs() yield searchapi.elasticsearch.index_op(**kwargs)
[docs] def index_items(self, index_documents): """ Index the given index_documents. Iterates over the given ``index_documents``, and send documents to :meth:`` in batches of ``IEVV_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_BATCH_SIZE`` index_documents. Parameters: index_documents: An iterable of :class:`.AbstractDocument`. """ searchapi = search.Connection.get_instance() for doc_type, index_documents_of_doc_type in itertools.groupby( index_documents, key=lambda index_document: index_document.doc_type): for chunk in bulk_chunks( self._iterate_index_operations(index_documents_of_doc_type), docs_per_chunk=self.bulk_index_docs_per_chunk, bytes_per_chunk=self.bulk_index_bytes_per_chunk): searchapi.elasticsearch.bulk(chunk,, doc_type=doc_type) # NOTE: We should be able to let AbstractDocument.get_index_op_kwargs() # include the doc_type, and avoid the groupby(), but that randomly # raises an exception complaining about missing type. # for chunk in bulk_chunks( # self._iterate_index_operations(index_documents), # docs_per_chunk=self.bulk_index_docs_per_chunk, # bytes_per_chunk=self.bulk_index_bytes_per_chunk): # searchapi.elasticsearch.bulk(chunk, if getattr(settings, 'IEVV_ELASTICSEARCH_AUTOREFRESH_AFTER_INDEXING', False): searchapi.refresh()
[docs] def register_index_update_triggers(self): """ Override this to register behaviors that trigger updates to the index. This is typically something like this: - Register one or more post_save signals that updates the index in realtime (be very careful with this since it can easily become a bottleneck). - Register one or more post_save signals that updates the index via a Celery job or some other background queue. Does nothing by default, so it is up to you to override it if you want to register any triggers. """
[docs] def delete_index(self): """ Delete this index. """ searchapi = search.Connection.get_instance() searchapi.delete_index(
[docs] @classmethod def get_instance(cls): """ Get an instance of this class. Use this instead of instanciating the class directly. """ return Registry.get_instance().get(
[docs] def rebuild_index(self): """ Rebuild this index completely. Very useful when writing tests, but probably a bit less than optimal in production code/batch tasks unless you have a really small index. In production you should most likely want to create a management command to rebuild the index with the most recent/most important documents beeing indexed first. """ try: self.delete_index() except ElasticHttpNotFoundError: pass self.create() self.index_items(self.iterate_all_documents())
[docs]class Registry(Singleton): """ Registry of :class:`.AbstractIndex` objects. Examples: First, define an index (see :class:`.AbstractIndex`). Register the searchindex with the searchindex registry via an AppConfig for your Django app:: from django.apps import AppConfig from ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch import searchindex from myapp import elasticsearch_indexes class MyAppConfig(AppConfig): name = 'myapp' def ready(self): searchindex.Registry.get_instance().add(elasticsearch_indexes.SellableItemIndex) """ def __init__(self): super(Registry, self).__init__() self._indexes = {}
[docs] def add(self, searchindex_class): """ Add the given ``searchindex_class`` to the registry. """ if in self._indexes: raise ValueError('A search index named "{}" is already registered in the search ' 'index registry.'.format( searchindex = searchindex_class() self._indexes[] = searchindex if not getattr(settings, 'IEVV_ELASTICSEARCH_DO_NOT_REGISTER_INDEX_UPDATE_TRIGGERS', None): searchindex.register_index_update_triggers()
[docs] def get(self, indexname): """ Get the index named ``indexname``. Returns: An :class:`.AbstractIndex` or ``None`` if no index matching the given ``indexname`` is found. """ return self._indexes.get(indexname, None)
[docs] def get_indexnames(self): """ Get a view with the names of all indexes. """ return self._indexes.keys()
def __contains__(self, indexname): """ Check if an index with the given name is in the registry. """ return indexname in self._indexes
[docs]class MockableRegistry(Registry): """ A non-singleton version of :class:`.Registry`. For tests. Typical usage in a test:: class MockSearchIndex(searchindex.AbstractIndex): name = 'myindex' # ... mockregistry = searchindex.MockableRegistry() mockregistry.add(searchindex.MockSearchIndex()) with mock.patch('ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch.searchindex.Registry.get_instance', lambda: mockregistry): pass # ... your code here ... """ def __init__(self): self._instance = None # Ensure the singleton-check is not triggered super(MockableRegistry, self).__init__()