Source code for ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch.viewhelpers.searchview

from django.http import Http404
from django.views.generic import TemplateView as DjangoTemplateView
from pyelasticsearch import ElasticHttpNotFoundError

from ievv_opensource.ievv_elasticsearch import search

[docs]class ViewMixin: """ Makes it a bit easier to search with paging. Examples: Minimal example:: class MyView(TemplateView, searchview.ViewMixin): template_name = 'myapp/mytemplate.html' def get_search_query(self): return { 'match_all': {} } def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['searchpaginator'] = self.get_paginator() A more full featured example:: class MyView(TemplateView, searchview.ViewMixin): template_name = 'myapp/mytemplate.html' page_size = 30 paging_querystring_attribute = 'page' def get_search_query(self): return { 'match_all': {} } def get_search_sort(self): return {'name': {'order': 'asc'}} def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['searchpaginator'] = self.get_paginator() You should normally just need to override: - :meth:`.get_search_query`. - :meth:`.get_search_sort` (optional). - :meth:`.get_page_size` or :obj:`.page_size` (optional). - :meth:`.get_resultitemwrapper` (optional). - :meth:`.get_paging_querystring_attribute` or :obj:`.paging_querystring_attribute` (optional). And call :meth:`.get_paginator` to retrieve results that you can iterate and ask for pagination information. """ #: The number of items per page. Defaults to ``100``. See :meth:`~.ViewMixin.get_page_size`. page_size = 100 #: See :meth:`~ViewMixin.get_search_index`. Defaults to ``None``. search_index = None #: See :meth:`~ViewMixin.get_search_doc_type`. Defaults to ``None``. search_doc_type = None #: The querystring attribute to use for paging. Defaults to ``p``. #: Used by :meth:`.get_paging_querystring_attribute`. paging_querystring_attribute = 'p'
[docs] def get_page_size(self): """ Get the page size. Defaults to returning :obj:`.page_size`. """ return self.page_size
[docs] def get_paging_querystring_attribute(self): """ The querystring attribute to use for paging. Defaults to :obj:`.paging_querystring_attribute`. """ return self.paging_querystring_attribute
[docs] def get_current_page_number(self): """ Get the current page number from ``request.GET[self.get_paging_querystring_attribute()]``. You can override this if you want to get the page number some other way. """ pagenumber = self.request.GET.get(self.get_paging_querystring_attribute(), 0) try: pagenumber = int(pagenumber) except TypeError: pagenumber = 0 return pagenumber
[docs] def get_search_index(self): """ Get the search index name. Defaults to :obj:`.search_index`. """ return self.search_index
[docs] def get_search_doc_type(self): """ Get the document types to search. Can be a single document type or an iterable of document types. Defaults to :obj:`.search_doc_type`. """ return self.search_doc_type
[docs] def get_search_query(self): """ Get the query attribute of the elasticsearch query. You MUST override this. While :meth:`.get_search_full_query` returns something like:: { 'query': { 'match_all': {} }, 'size': 20, 'from': 40 } This method should only return the value of the ``query`` key:: { 'match_all': {} } """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_search_sort(self): """ Get the sort dict for the search query. While :meth:`.get_search_full_query` returns something like:: { 'query': { 'match_all': {} }, 'sort': {'name': {'order': 'asc'}}, 'size': 20, 'from': 40 } This method should only return the value of the ``sort`` key:: {'name': {'order': 'asc'}} Defaults to ``None``, which means no sorting is performed. """ return None
[docs] def get_search_full_query(self): """ Builds the full ElasticSearch query dict including paging. You should normally not override this directly. Override :meth:`.get_search_query` and :meth:`.get_search_sort` instead. """ full_query = { 'query': self.get_search_query(), } page_size = self.get_page_size() if page_size: full_query['size'] = self.get_page_size() full_query['from'] = self.get_page_size() * self.get_current_page_number() sortdict = self.get_search_sort() if sortdict: full_query['sort'] = sortdict return full_query
[docs] def get_paginated_search_kwargs(self): """ Get the kwargs for :meth:``. """ kwargs = { 'query': self.get_search_full_query(), 'index': self.get_search_index(), 'doc_type': self.get_search_doc_type(), 'page_number': self.get_current_page_number(), 'page_size': self.get_page_size(), 'resultitemwrapper': self.get_resultitemwrapper() } return kwargs
[docs] def get_resultitemwrapper(self): """ See the ``resultitemwrapper`` argument for :class:``. """ return None
[docs] def get_paginator(self): """ Performs the search and wraps it in a :class:``. Raises: :class:`django.http.response.Http404` if the search does not match any items. You will typically catch this exception and show a message in a normal search setting. """ searchapi = search.Connection.get_instance() try: return searchapi.paginated_search(**self.get_paginated_search_kwargs()) except ElasticHttpNotFoundError: # If the search does not match any items raise Http404()
[docs]class View(DjangoTemplateView, ViewMixin): """ A Django TemplateView with :class:`.ViewMixin`. For usage example, see :class:`.ViewMixin` (just inherit from this class instead of TemplateView and ViewMixin) """
[docs]class SortMixin: """ Mixin class for sort-keyword in the querystring based sort (E.g.: ``?o=name``). This MUST be mixed in before :class:`.View` (or :class:`.ViewMixin`), since it overrides :meth:`.ViewMixin.get_search_sort`. Examples: Simple example of a map where ``?o=name`` sorts by name ascending and ``?o=created`` sorts by created datetime descending:: class MySortView(searchview.SortMixin, searchview.View): default_sort_keyword = 'name' sort_map = { 'name': {'name': {'order': 'asc'}}, 'created': {'created_datetime': {'order': 'desc'}}, } def get_search_query(self): return { 'match_all': {} } def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['searchpaginator'] = self.get_paginator() The default if ``?o`` is not specified will be to sort by name ascending. You should normally just need to override: - :meth:`.get_sort_map` or :obj:`.sort_map` - :meth:`.get_default_sort_keyword` or :obj:`.default_sort_keyword`. If you do not get the sort keyword from the querystring, you also need to override :meth:`.get_sort_keyword`. If you do not want to use ``o`` as the querystring attribute for sort keywords, you need to override :meth:`.get_sort_querystring_attribute` or :obj:`.sort_querystring_attribute`. """ #: The querystring attribute to use for sort. Used by #: :meth:`.get_sort_querystring_attribute`. #: Defaults to ``o`` (for ordering). We use ``o`` instead of #: ``s`` to avoid collision with :class:`.SearchMixin`. sort_querystring_attribute = 'o' #: The default sort keyword to use when ordering is #: not specified in the querystring. #: Defaults to ``"default"``. default_sort_keyword = 'default' #: See :meth:`.get_sort_map`. sort_map = {}
[docs] def get_sort_querystring_attribute(self): """ The querystring attribute to use for sort. Defaults to :obj:`.sort_querystring_attribute`. """ return self.sort_querystring_attribute
[docs] def get_default_sort_keyword(self): """ Get the default sort keyword to use when ordering is not specified in the querystring. Defaults to :obj:`default_sort_keyword`. """ return self.default_sort_keyword
[docs] def get_sort_keyword(self): """ Get the sort keyword. Defaults to getting it from the querystring argument defined by :meth:`.get_sort_querystring_attribute`, and falling back to :meth:`.get_default_sort_keyword`. """ return self.request.GET.get( self.sort_querystring_attribute, self.get_default_sort_keyword())
[docs] def get_sort_map(self): """ Get a mapping object that maps keywords to sort dicts compatible with elasticsearch. Defaults to :obj:`.sort_map`. """ if self.sort_map: return self.sort_map else: raise NotImplementedError('You must override get_sort_map or set sort_map.')
[docs] def get_search_sort_by_keyword(self, keyword): """ Get the elasticsearch sort dict by looking up the given ``keyword`` in :meth:`.get_sort_map`. If the given ``keyword`` is not in :meth:`.get_sort_map`, we fall back on :meth:`.get_default_sort_keyword`. """ sort_map = self.get_sort_map() try: return sort_map[keyword] except KeyError: return sort_map[self.get_default_sort_keyword()]
[docs] def get_search_sort(self): """ Overrides :meth:`.ViewMixin.get_search_sort` and gets the value of the sort dict by via :meth:`.get_search_sort_by_keyword` with :meth:`.get_sort_keyword` as the keyword argument. This means that you should not override this method, but instead override: - :meth:`.get_sort_map` (or :obj:`.sort_map`) - :meth:`.get_default_sort_keyword` (or :obj:`.default_sort_keyword`) """ return self.get_search_sort_by_keyword(self.get_sort_keyword())
[docs]class SearchMixin: """ Mixin class that makes it slightly easier to add search via a querystring attribute (defaults to ``?s=<search_string>``). This is perfect for views that use ElasticSearch for traditional search where a user types in a string, and we wish to search some fields for that string. This MUST be mixed in before :class:`.View` (or :class:`.ViewMixin`) , since it overrides :meth:`.ViewMixin.get_search_query`. Can safely be used with :class:`.SortMixin`. The order of :class:`.SortMixin` and :class:`.SearchMixin` does not matter, but they must both be mixed in before :class:`.View` (or :class:`.ViewMixin`). Examples: Minimal example:: class MySearchView(searchview.SearchMixin, searchview.View): search_query_fields = ['name', 'email'] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context['searchpaginator'] = self.get_paginator() """ #: The querystring attribute to use for sort. Used by #: :meth:`.get_sort_querystring_attribute`. #: Defaults to ``s``. search_querystring_attribute = 's' #: List of fields for :meth:`.get_search_query_fields`. #: Defaults to empty list, so you need to set this, #: or override :meth:`.get_search_query_fields`. search_query_fields = []
[docs] def get_search_querystring_attribute(self): """ The querystring attribute to use for search. Defaults to :obj:`.search_querystring_attribute`. """ return self.search_querystring_attribute
[docs] def clean_search_string(self, search_string): """ Can be overridden to clean/modify the search_string. Does nothing by default. Used by :meth:`.get_search_string`. """ return search_string
[docs] def get_search_string(self): """ Get the search string. We get the search string from the querystring, and clean it with :meth:`.clean_search_string` before returning it. """ search_string = self.request.GET.get(self.get_search_querystring_attribute(), '') return self.clean_search_string(search_string)
[docs] def get_search_query_fields(self): """ Get the fields for the ``multi_match`` query performed by :meth:`.get_search_query_with_search_string`. Defaults to :obj:`.search_query_fields` """ if self.search_query_fields: return self.search_query_fields else: raise NotImplementedError('You must override get_search_query_fields() or set search_query_fields.')
[docs] def get_search_query_with_search_string(self, search_string): """ Called by :meth:`.get_search_query` when :meth:`.get_search_string` returns something. Defaults to a ``multi_matach`` query with the fields returned by :meth:`.get_search_query_fields`. You will not need to override this for simple cases, but for more complex queries with boosting, filtering, etc. you will most likely have to override this. """ return { 'multi_match': { 'query': search_string, 'fields': self.get_search_query_fields() } }
[docs] def get_search_query_without_search_string(self): """ Called by :meth:`.get_search_query` when :meth:`.get_search_string` returns empty string or ``None``. Defaults to a ``match_all`` query. """ return { 'match_all': {} }
[docs] def get_search_query(self): """ Overrides :meth:`.ViewMixin.get_search_query` and splits the logic into two separate states: 1. We have a search string, call :meth:`.get_search_query_with_search_string`. 2. We do not have a search string, call :meth:`.get_search_query_without_search_string`. You should not need to override this method, but instead override: - :meth:`.get_search_fields` or perhaps :meth:`.get_search_query_with_search_string` (for advanced cases). - Perhaps :meth:`.get_search_query_without_search_string`. """ search_string = self.get_search_string() if search_string: return self.get_search_query_with_search_string(search_string) else: return self.get_search_query_without_search_string()