Source code for ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic.run_jstests

from ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic import pluginbase
from ievv_opensource.utils.logmixin import Logger
from ievv_opensource.utils.shellcommandmixin import ShellCommandError
from ievv_opensource.utils.shellcommandmixin import ShellCommandMixin

[docs]class Plugin(pluginbase.Plugin, ShellCommandMixin): """ Run javascript tests by running ``npm test`` if the ``package.json`` has a ``"test"`` entry in ``"scripts"``. Examples: Lets say you have the following in your package.json:: { "scripts": { "test": "jest" } } You can then make ``jest`` run at startup (not on watch change) with:: IEVVTASKS_BUILDSTATIC_APPS = ievvbuildstatic.config.Apps( ievvbuildstatic.config.App( appname='demoapp', version='1.0.0', plugins=[ ievvbuildstatic.run_jstests.Plugin(), ] ) ) If you have a NPM script named ``"test-debug"``, that will be run instead of ``"test"`` when loglevel is DEBUG. This means that if you add something like this to your package.json:: { "scripts": { "test": "jest", "test-debug": "jest --debug" } } and run ``ievv buildstatic --debug``, ``jest --debug`` would be run instead of ``jest``. """ name = 'run_jstests' default_group = 'jstest' def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Args: **kwargs: Kwargs for :class:`ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic.pluginbase.Plugin`. """ super(Plugin, self).__init__(**kwargs) def get_script_keys(self): scripts_dict ='npm').get_packagejson_dict().get('scripts', {}) return scripts_dict.keys() def get_test_script_key(self): if self.get_loglevel() == Logger.DEBUG: script_keys = self.get_script_keys() if 'test-debug' in script_keys: return 'test-debug' return 'test'
[docs] def log_shell_command_stderr(self, line): """ Called by :meth:`.run_shell_command` each time the shell command outputs anything to stderr. """ super(Plugin, self).log_shell_command_stdout(line=line)
def has_tests(self): return self.get_test_script_key() in self.get_script_keys()
[docs] def run(self): if self.has_tests(): self.get_logger().command_start('Running tests for {appname}'.format( try:'npm').run_packagejson_script( script=self.get_test_script_key(), args=['--silent']) except ShellCommandError: self.get_logger().command_error('npm test FAILED!') raise SystemExit() else: self.get_logger().command_success('npm test succeeded :)')