Source code for ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic.watcher

import multiprocessing
import threading
from collections import OrderedDict

import psutil
from import RegexMatchingEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer

from ievv_opensource.utils.logmixin import LogMixin

[docs]class WatchdogWatchConfig(object): """ Used by plugins to configure watching. See :meth:``. """ def run(self): def __init__(self, watchfolders, watchregexes, plugin): """ Args: watchfolders: List of folders to watch. watchregexes: List of regexes to watch. plugin: A :class:`ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic.pluginbase.Plugin` object. """ self.folders = watchfolders self.regexes = watchregexes self.plugin = plugin
class ProcessWrapper(object): def __init__(self, process): self.process = process self.process.daemon = True def start(self): self.process.start() def stop(self): try: process = psutil.Process( except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: for childprocess in process.children(): childprocess.terminate() try: process.terminate() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass def join(self): self.process.join()
[docs]class ProcessWatchConfig(object): """ """ def __init__(self, plugin): """ Args: plugin: A :class:`ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic.pluginbase.Plugin` object. """ self.plugin = plugin def create_process(self): process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.plugin.run_watcher_process) return ProcessWrapper(process=process)
[docs]class WatchConfigPool(LogMixin): def __init__(self): self._watchconfigs = [] def extend(self, watchconfigs): self._watchconfigs.extend(watchconfigs)
[docs] def get_logger_name(self): return 'watcherpool'
def __watch_folder(self, folderpath, plugins, regexes): event_handler = EventHandler( plugins=plugins, regexes=regexes ) observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, folderpath, recursive=True) self.get_logger().info( 'Starting watcher for folder {!r} with regexes {!r}. ' 'Runnables notified of changes: {}.'.format( folderpath, regexes, ', '.join(str(plugin) for plugin in plugins))) observer.start() return observer def __build_foldermap(self): # Note: We use OrderedDict here, and a list (instead of set) for # plugins below to maintain the order of apps when building. # This should not matter, but it is nice to have the apps # build in the same order as they are listed in settings. watchdog_foldermap = OrderedDict() process_runnables = [] for watchconfig in self._watchconfigs: if isinstance(watchconfig, WatchdogWatchConfig): for folderpath in watchconfig.folders: if folderpath not in watchdog_foldermap: watchdog_foldermap[folderpath] = { 'regexes': set(), 'plugins': [] } watchdog_foldermap[folderpath]['regexes'].update(watchconfig.regexes) if watchconfig.plugin not in watchdog_foldermap[folderpath]['plugins']: watchdog_foldermap[folderpath]['plugins'].append(watchconfig.plugin) elif isinstance(watchconfig, ProcessWatchConfig): process_runnables.append(watchconfig) else: raise ValueError('Unknown watch config type: {}'.format(type(watchconfig))) return watchdog_foldermap, process_runnables def watch(self): watchdog_foldermap, process_runnables = self.__build_foldermap() observers = [] for folderpath, folderkwargs in watchdog_foldermap.items(): observer = self.__watch_folder(folderpath=folderpath, **folderkwargs) observers.append(observer) for process_runnable in process_runnables: process = process_runnable.create_process() process.start() observers.append(process) return observers
[docs]class EventHandler(RegexMatchingEventHandler): """ Event handler for watchdog --- this is used by each watcher thread to react to changes in the filesystem. This is instantiated by :meth:`` to watch for changes in files matching :meth:`ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic.pluginbase.Plugin.get_watch_regexes` in the folders specified in :meth:`ievv_opensource.utils.ievvbuildstatic.pluginbase.Plugin.get_watch_folders`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.plugins = kwargs.pop('plugins') self.runtimer = None self.is_running = False super(EventHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def handle_plugin_run(self): if self.is_running: return self.is_running = True for plugin in self.plugins: plugin.runwrapper() self.is_running = False
[docs] def on_any_event(self, event): if self.runtimer: self.runtimer.cancel() self.runtimer = threading.Timer(0.5, self.handle_plugin_run) self.runtimer.start()