Source code for ievv_opensource.utils.ievvdevrun.runnables.base

import threading
import time

import psutil

from ievv_opensource.utils import logmixin
from ievv_opensource.utils import shellcommandmixin

[docs]class AbstractRunnableThread(threading.Thread, logmixin.LogMixin): """ Abstract class for a thread that runs something for the ``ievvdevrun`` framework. You have to override the ``run()``-method (refer to the docs for ````), and the :meth:`~AbstractRunnableThread.stop` method. """ def __init__(self, name=None): """ Parameters: name: An optional name for the logger. See :meth:`~AbstractRunnableThread.get_logger_name`. """ self.logger_name = name super(AbstractRunnableThread, self).__init__()
[docs] def log_startup(self): """ Called automatically on startup with ``"Starting <name>"`` message. """ self.get_logger().info('Starting {}'.format(self.get_logger_name()))
[docs] def log_successful_stop(self, message=''): """ Call this in :meth:`.stop` to show a message after successfully stopping the runnable. Parameters: message: Optional extra message to show. """ self.get_logger().info('{} stopped ! {}'.format( self.get_logger_name(), message))
[docs] def start(self): self.log_startup() return super(AbstractRunnableThread, self).start()
[docs] def get_logger_name(self): """ Get the logger name. Defaults to the ``name``-parameter and falls back on the module name of the class. """ return self.logger_name or self.__class__.__module__
[docs] def stop(self): """ Must stop the code running in the thread (the code in the run method). """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class ShellCommandRunnableThread(AbstractRunnableThread, shellcommandmixin.ShellCommandMixin): """ Makes it very easy to implement :class:`.AbstractRunnableThread` for system/shell commands. Examples: Implement Django runserver:: class DjangoRunserverRunnableThread(base.ShellCommandRunnableThread): def get_logger_name(self): return 'Django development server' def get_command_config(self): return { # We use sys.executable instead of "python" to ensure we run the same python executable # as we are using to start the process. 'executable': sys.executable, 'args': ['', 'runserver'] } As you can see, we just need specify the name and the command we want to run. You can even do this without creating a class by sending the command config as a parameter to this class in your django settings:: IEVVTASKS_DEVRUN_RUNNABLES = { 'default': ievvdevrun.config.RunnableThreadList( ievvdevrun.runnables.base.ShellCommandRunnableThread( name='Django development server', command_config={ 'executable': sys.executable, 'args': ['', 'runserver'] } ), ) } Making the command automatically restart when it crashes:: class DjangoRunserverRunnableThread(base.ShellCommandRunnableThread): default_autorestart_on_crash = True # ... same code as the example above ... You can also autorestart by sending ``autorestart_on_crash=True`` as a parameter for the class. """ #: The default value for the ``autorestart_on_crash`` parameter. #: You can override this in subclasses if it is more natural #: to automatically restart on crash by default. default_autorestart_on_crash = False def __init__(self, name=None, command_config=None, autorestart_on_crash=None): """ Parameters: name: Optional name for the runnable. Defaults to the module name. command_config: Same format as the return value from :meth:`.get_command_config`. autorestart_on_crash: Set this to ``True`` if you want to automatically restart the process if it crashes. """ self.command_config = command_config if autorestart_on_crash is None: autorestart_on_crash = self.default_autorestart_on_crash self.autorestart_on_crash = autorestart_on_crash super(ShellCommandRunnableThread, self).__init__(name=name) def _restartloop(self): while True: if self.is_running: if self.command.process.is_alive(): try: process = psutil.Process( except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: self.detected_process_ids.add( for childprocess in process.children(): self.detected_process_ids.add( else: self.get_logger().warning('Restarting "{}" because of crash.'.format( self.get_logger_name())) self._start_command(restart=True) else: return # Check if alive every 5 second, but check if we have been stopped # every 200ms. for x in range(25): time.sleep(0.2) if not self.is_running: break def _start_command(self, restart=False): if restart: self.stop() self.is_running = True self.detected_process_ids = set() commandconfig = self.get_command_config() kwargs = commandconfig.get('kwargs', {}).copy() kwargs.update({'_bg': True}) self.command = self.run_shell_command(commandconfig['executable'], args=commandconfig.get('args', []), kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def get_command_config(self): """ Get the config for the shell/system command as a dict with the following keys: - ``executable``: The name of the executable (E.g.: ``python``, ``sqlite``, ...). - ``args``: Arguments for the executable as a list. - ``kwargs``: Keyword arguments for the executable as a dict. ``my_option: "myvalue"`` is automatically translated to ``--my-option="myvalue"``. """ if self.command_config: return self.command_config else: raise NotImplementedError('You must override get_command_config() or send ' 'command_config to __init__().')
[docs] def run(self): self._start_command() if self.autorestart_on_crash: self._restartloop()
[docs] def stop(self): self.is_running = False process_ids = set(self.terminate_process( for process_id in self.detected_process_ids: process_ids.update(set(self.terminate_process(process_id))) self.log_successful_stop( '[killed pids: {}]'.format(', '.join(map(str, process_ids))))