Source code for ievv_opensource.utils.logmixin

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import textwrap
import threading

from ievv_opensource.utils import ievv_colorize
from ievv_opensource.utils.desktopnotifications import desktopnotificationapi

[docs]class Logger(object): """ Logger class used by :class:`.LogMixin`. """ loggers = {} # messagelock = threading.Lock() DEBUG = 5 STDOUT = 4 INFO = 3 WARNING = 2 ERROR = 1
[docs] @classmethod def get_instance(cls, name, level=None, command_error_message=None): """ Get an instance of the logger by the given name. Parameters: name: The name of the logger. """ if name not in cls.loggers: cls.loggers[name] = cls(name=name) cls.loggers[name].set_level(level=level) cls.loggers[name].set_command_error_message(command_error_message=command_error_message) return cls.loggers[name]
def __init__(self, name, level=None): """ Parameters: name: The name of the logger. """ = name self.level = level or self.DEBUG self._has_messagelock = False self._messagelocktimer = None def set_level(self, level): self.level = level or self.DEBUG def set_command_error_message(self, command_error_message): self.command_error_message = command_error_message def _acquire_messagelock(self): # if not self._has_messagelock: # self.__class__.messagelock.acquire() # self._has_messagelock = True pass def _release_messagelock(self): # self._messagelocktimer = None # try: # self.__class__.messagelock.release() # except RuntimeError: # pass # self._has_messagelock = False pass def _slowrelease_messagelock(self): if not self._messagelocktimer: self._messagelocktimer = threading.Timer(0.3, self._release_messagelock) self._messagelocktimer.start() def _queue_message(self, message=''): # self._messagequeue.append(message) self._acquire_messagelock() # self._flush_message_queue() print(message) sys.stdout.flush() self._slowrelease_messagelock() # def _flush_message_queue(self): # for message in self._messagequeue: # print(message)
[docs] def stdout(self, line): """ Use this to redirecting sys.stdout when running shell commands. """ if self.level >= self.STDOUT: self._queue_message(line.rstrip())
[docs] def stderr(self, line): """ Use this to redirecting sys.stderr when running shell commands. """ if self.level >= self.ERROR: self._queue_message(line.rstrip())
def __colorize(self, message, **kwargs): return ievv_colorize.colorize(message, **kwargs) def __colorprint(self, message, **kwargs): self._queue_message(self.__colorize(message, **kwargs)) def infobox(self, message): if self.level >= self.INFO: message = textwrap.fill(message, width=70) message = '\n{line}\n{message}\n{line}\n'.format( message=message, line='*' * 70 ) self.__colorprint(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_BLUE)
[docs] def info(self, message): """ Log an info message. """ if self.level >= self.INFO: self.__colorprint(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_BLUE)
[docs] def success(self, message): """ Log a success message. """ if self.level >= self.INFO: self.__colorprint(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_GREEN)
[docs] def warning(self, message): """ Log a warning message. """ if self.level >= self.WARNING: self.__colorprint(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_YELLOW)
[docs] def error(self, message): """ Log a warning message. """ if self.level >= self.ERROR: self.__colorprint(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_RED)
[docs] def debug(self, message): """ Log a debug message. """ if self.level >= self.DEBUG: self.__colorprint(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_GREY)
[docs] def command_start(self, message): """ Log the start of a command. This should be used in the beginning of each :meth:``. """ if self.level >= self.DEBUG: self._queue_message() if self.level >= self.INFO: self.__colorprint(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_BLUE, bold=True)
def __command_end(self, message, **kwargs): self.__colorprint(message, **kwargs) if self.level >= self.DEBUG: self._queue_message()
[docs] def command_error(self, message): """ Log failing end of a command. This should be used in :meth:`` when the task fails. """ self.__command_end(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_RED, bold=True) if self.level < self.DEBUG and self.command_error_message: self.__colorprint(self.command_error_message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_GREY, bold=True) desktopnotificationapi.show_message( title='ERROR - {}'.format(, message=message)
[docs] def command_success(self, message): """ Log successful end of a command. This should be used in :meth:`` when the task succeeds. """ if self.level >= self.INFO: self.__command_end(message, color=ievv_colorize.COLOR_GREEN, bold=True) desktopnotificationapi.show_message( title='SUCCESS - {}'.format(, message=message)
[docs]class LogMixin(object): """ Mixin class that takes care of logging for all the classes in the ``ievvbuildstatic`` package. Subclasses must override :meth:`.~LogMixin.get_logger_name`, and use :meth:`.~LogMixin.get_logger`. """
[docs] def get_logger_name(self): """ Get the name of the logger. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def get_loglevel(self): return Logger.DEBUG def get_command_error_message(self): return None
[docs] def get_logger(self): """ Get an instance of :meth:`.Logger` with :meth:`.get_logger_name` as the logger name. """ return Logger.get_instance(name=self.get_logger_name(), level=self.get_loglevel(), command_error_message=self.get_command_error_message())
if __name__ == '__main__': import time import random class DemoThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.text = kwargs.pop('text') self.logger = Logger(name=self.text) super(DemoThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def run(self): for x in range(30): time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) for x in range(10): self.logger.debug(self.text) time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) for x in range(10): self.logger.warning(self.text) threads = [ DemoThread(text='Hello world'), DemoThread(text='A test'), DemoThread(text='Yo!'), ] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join()