Source code for ievv_opensource.utils.shellcommandmixin

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import psutil
import sh

    from shlex import quote as shell_quote
except ImportError:
    from pipes import quote as shell_quote

[docs]class ShellCommandError(Exception): """ Raised when :meth:`.LogMixin.run_shell_command` fails. """
[docs]class ShellCommandMixin(object): """ Shell command mixin - for classes that need to run shell commands. Requires :class:`~ievv_opensource.utils.logmixin.LogMixin`. """
[docs] def log_shell_command_stdout(self, line): """ Called by :meth:`.run_shell_command` each time the shell command outputs anything to stdout. """ self.get_logger().stdout(line.rstrip())
[docs] def log_shell_command_stderr(self, line): """ Called by :meth:`.run_shell_command` each time the shell command outputs anything to stderr. """ self.get_logger().stderr(line.rstrip())
def prettyformat_shell_command(self, executable, args=None, kwargs=None, _cwd=None): output = [executable] if args: output.extend([shell_quote(arg) for arg in args]) if kwargs: for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value: if len(key) == 1: prefix = '-' else: prefix = '--' if value is True: formatted_value = '' else: formatted_value = '={}'.format(value) output.append('{prefix}{key}{formatted_value}'.format( prefix=prefix, key=key, formatted_value=formatted_value )) if _cwd: output.insert(0, '[CWD={}]'.format(_cwd)) return ' '.join(output)
[docs] def run_shell_command(self, executable, args=None, kwargs=None, _cwd=None, _out=None, _err=None, _env=None): """ Run a shell command. Parameters: executable: The name or path of the executable. args: List of arguments for the ``sh.Command`` object. kwargs: Dict of keyword arguments for the ``sh.Command`` object. Raises: ShellCommandError: When the command fails. See :class:`.ShellCommandError`. """ self.get_logger().debug('Execute: {}'.format(self.prettyformat_shell_command( executable=executable, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, _cwd=_cwd))) command = sh.Command(executable) args = args or [] kwargs = kwargs or {} if _cwd: kwargs['_cwd'] = _cwd if _env: kwargs['_env'] = _env _out = _out or self.log_shell_command_stdout _err = _err or self.log_shell_command_stderr try: return command(*args, _out=_out, _err=_err, **kwargs) except sh.ErrorReturnCode: # We do not need to show any more errors here - they # have already been printed by the _out and _err handlers. raise ShellCommandError()
[docs] def kill_process(self, pid): """ Kill the system process with the given ``pid``, and all its child processes. .. warning:: You should normally use :meth:`.terminate_process` instead of this method since that normally gives the process the chance to cleanup. Parameters: pid: The process ID of the process you want to kill. Returns: A list of all the killed processes. """ process_ids = [] try: process = psutil.Process(pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: for childprocess in process.children(): process_ids.append( childprocess.kill() process_ids.append( process.kill() return process_ids
[docs] def terminate_process(self, pid): """ Terminate the system process with the given ``pid``, and all its child processes. Parameters: pid: The process ID of the process you want to terminate. Returns: A list of all the terminated processes. """ process_ids = [] try: process = psutil.Process(pid) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: for childprocess in process.children(): process_ids.append( childprocess.terminate() try: process.terminate() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: process_ids.append( return process_ids