Source code for ievv_opensource.ievv_i18n_url.i18n_url_utils.get_handler

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

_handler_class = None

[docs]def get_handler_class(): """ Get the configured `ievv_i18n_url` handler class. E.g. import the handler class from the class path configured in the ``IEVV_I18N_URL_HANDLER`` setting. Returns: ievv_opensource.ievv_i18n_url.handlers.abstract_handler.AbstractHandler: A handler class. """ global _handler_class if _handler_class is None: handler_classpath = getattr(settings, 'IEVV_I18N_URL_HANDLER', None) if not handler_classpath: raise Exception( 'No ievv_i18n_url_handler configured. Please set the IEVV_I18N_URL_HANDLER. Refer to the docs for ' 'ievv_i18n_url in ievv_opensource for more info.') _handler_class = import_string(handler_classpath) return _handler_class
def get_handler(): return get_handler_class()()