Source code for ievv_opensource.utils.class_registry_singleton

from collections import OrderedDict

from ievv_opensource.utils.singleton import Singleton

[docs]class DuplicateKeyError(Exception): """ Raised when adding a key already in a :class:`.ClassRegistrySingleton` """ def __init__(self, registry, key): self.registry = registry self.key = key message = f'Duplicate key, {key!r}, in {registry.get_pretty_classpath()}.' super(DuplicateKeyError, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class AbstractRegistryItem: """ Base class for :class:`.ClassRegistrySingleton` items. """ @classmethod def get_registry_key(cls): raise NotImplementedError() @property def registry_key(self): return self.__class__.get_registry_key()
[docs] @classmethod def on_add_to_registry(cls, registry): """ Called automatically when the class is added to a :class:`.ClassRegistrySingleton`. """
[docs] @classmethod def on_remove_from_registry(cls, registry): """ Called automatically when the class is removed from a :class:`.ClassRegistrySingleton`. """
[docs]class RegistryItemWrapper: """ Registry item wrapper. When you add a :class:`.AbstractRegistryItem` to a :class:`.ClassRegistrySingleton`, it is stored as an instance of this class. You can use a subclass of this class with your registry singleton by overriding :meth:`.ClassRegistrySingleton.get_registry_item_wrapper_class`. This enables you to store extra metadata along with your registry items, and provided extra helper methods. """ def __init__(self, cls, default_instance_kwargs): #: The :class:`.AbstractRegistryItem` class. self.cls = cls #: The default kwargs for instance created with :meth:`.get_instance`. self.default_instance_kwargs = default_instance_kwargs
[docs] def make_instance_kwargs(self, kwargs): """ Used by :meth:`.get_instance` to merge ``kwargs`` with ``default_instance_kwargs``. Returns: dict: The full kwargs fo the instance. """ full_kwargs = {} full_kwargs.update(self.default_instance_kwargs) full_kwargs.update(kwargs) return full_kwargs
[docs] def get_instance(self, **kwargs): """ Get an instance of the :class:`.AbstractRegistryItem` class initialized with the provided ``**kwargs``. The provided ``**kwargs`` is merged with the ``default_instance_kwargs``, with ``**kwargs`` overriding any keys also in ``default_instance_kwargs``. Args: **kwargs: Kwargs for the class constructor. Returns: .AbstractRegistryItem: A class instance. """ return self.cls(**self.make_instance_kwargs(kwargs))
[docs]class ClassRegistrySingleton(Singleton): """ Base class for class registry singletons - for having a singleton of swappable classes. Useful when creating complex libraries with classes that the apps using the libraries should be able to swap out with their own classes. Example:: class AbstractMessageGenerator(class_registry_singleton.AbstractRegistryItem): def get_message(self): raise NotImplementedError() class SimpleSadMessageGenerator(AbstractMessageGenerator): @classmethod def get_registry_key(cls): return 'sad' def get_message(self): return 'A sad message' class ComplexSadMessageGenerator(AbstractMessageGenerator): @classmethod def get_registry_key(cls): return 'sad' def get_message(self): return random.choice([ 'Most people are smart, but 60% of people think they are smart.', 'Humanity will probably die off before we become a multi-planet spiecies.', 'We could feed everyone in the world - if we just bothered to share resources.', ]) class SimpleHappyMessageGenerator(AbstractMessageGenerator): @classmethod def get_registry_key(cls): return 'happy' def get_message(self): return 'A happy message' class ComplexHappyMessageGenerator(AbstractMessageGenerator): @classmethod def get_registry_key(cls): return 'happy' def get_message(self): return random.choice([ 'Almost every person you will ever meet are good people.', 'You will very likely live to see people land on mars.', 'Games are good now - just think how good they will be in 10 years!', ]) class MessageGeneratorSingleton(class_registry_singleton.ClassRegistrySingleton): '''' We never use ClassRegistrySingleton directly - we always create a subclass. This is because of the nature of singletons. If you ise ClassRegistrySingleton directly as your singleton, everything added to the registry would be in THE SAME singleton. '''' class DefaultAppConfig(AppConfig): def ready(self): registry = MessageGeneratorSingleton.get_instance() registry.add(SimpleSadMessageGenerator) registry.add(SimpleHappyMessageGenerator) class SomeCustomAppConfig(AppConfig): def ready(self): registry = MessageGeneratorSingleton.get_instance() registry.add_or_replace(ComplexSadMessageGenerator) registry.add_or_replace(ComplexHappyMessageGenerator) # Using the singleton in code registry = MessageGeneratorSingleton.get_instance() print(registry.get_registry_item_instance('sad').get_message()) print(registry.get_registry_item_instance('happy').get_message()) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._classmap = OrderedDict()
[docs] def get_registry_item_wrapper_class(self): """ Get the registry item wrapper class. Defaults to :class:`.RegistryItemWrapper` which should work well for most use cases. """ return RegistryItemWrapper
def get_pretty_classpath(self): return '{}.{}'.format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Get a class (wrapper) stored in the registry by its key. Args: key (str): The key. Raises: KeyError: When the ``key`` is not in the registry. Returns: .RegistryItemWrapper: You can use this to get the class or to get an instance of the class. """ return self._classmap[key]
[docs] def get(self, key, fallback=None): """ Get a class (wrapper) stored in the registry by its key. Args: key (str): A registry item class key. fallback: Fallback value of the ``key`` is not in the registry Returns: Returns: .RegistryItemWrapper: You can use this to get the class or to get an instance of the class. """ if key in self: return self[key] return fallback
def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._classmap def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over all the keys in the registry. """ return iter(self._classmap)
[docs] def items(self): """ Iterate over all the items in the registry yielding (key, RegistryItemWrapper) tuples. """ return self._classmap.items()
[docs] def iterwrappers(self): """ Iterate over all the items in the registry yielding RegistryItemWrapper objects. """ return self._classmap.values()
[docs] def iterchoices(self): """ Iterate over the the classes in the in the registry yielding two-value tuples where both values are the :obj:`~.AbstractRegistryItem.get_registry_key()`. Useful when rendering in a ChoiceField. Returns: An iterator that yields ``(<key>, <key>)`` tuples for each :class:`.AbstractRegistryItem` in the registry. The iterator is sorted by :obj:`~.AbstractRegistryItem.get_registry_key()`. """ for cls in sorted(self._classmap.values(), key=lambda wrapper: wrapper.cls.get_registry_key()): yield (cls.get_registry_key(), cls.get_registry_key())
def _set(self, cls, **default_instance_kwargs): key = cls.get_registry_key() if key in self._classmap: self._classmap[key].cls.on_remove_from_registry(registry=self) self._classmap[key] = RegistryItemWrapper( cls=cls, default_instance_kwargs=default_instance_kwargs) self._classmap[key].cls.on_add_to_registry(registry=self)
[docs] def add(self, cls, **default_instance_kwargs): """ Add the provided ``cls`` to the registry. Args: cls: A :class:`.AbstractRegistryItem` class (NOT AN OBJECT/INSTANCE). **default_instance_kwargs: Default instance kwargs. Raises: .DuplicateKeyError: When a class with the same :obj:`~.AbstractRegistryItem.get_registry_key()` is already in the registry. """ key = cls.get_registry_key() if key in self._classmap: raise DuplicateKeyError( registry=self, key=key) self._set(cls, **default_instance_kwargs)
[docs] def add_or_replace(self, cls, **default_instance_kwargs): """ Insert the provided ``cls`` in registry. If another ``cls`` is already registered with the same ``key``, this will be replaced. Args: cls: A :class:`.AbstractRegistryItem` class (NOT AN OBJECT/INSTANCE). **default_instance_kwargs: Default instance kwargs. """ self._set(cls, **default_instance_kwargs)
[docs] def replace(self, cls, **default_instance_kwargs): """ Replace the class currently in the registry with the same key as the provided ``cls.get_registry_key()``. Args: cls: A :class:`.AbstractRegistryItem` class (NOT AN OBJECT/INSTANCE). **default_instance_kwargs: Default instance kwargs. Raises: KeyError: If the ``cls.get_registry_key()`` is NOT in the registry. """ key = cls.get_registry_key() if key not in self._classmap: raise KeyError(f'{key!r} is not in the registry.') self._set(cls, **default_instance_kwargs)
[docs] def remove(self, key): """ Remove the class provided ``key`` from the registry. Args: key (str): A :obj:`~.AbstractRegistryItem.get_registry_key()`. Raises: KeyError: When the ``key`` is not in the registry. """ if key not in self: raise KeyError self._classmap[key].cls.on_remove_from_registry(registry=self) del self._classmap[key]
[docs] def remove_if_in_registry(self, key): """ Works just like :meth:`.remove`, but if the ``key`` is not in the registry this method just does nothing instead of raising KeyError. """ if key not in self: return self.remove(key)
[docs] def get_registry_item_instance(self, key, **kwargs): """ Just a shortcut for ``singleton[key].get_instance(**kwargs)``. """ return self[key].get_instance(**kwargs)